Katharina Schleifer

Shaman and owner of Greifenspiel e.U.

Lighting up the Fire: Singing for the Fire

The shaman Udo Vukovics lights up the fire for the sweatlodge and sings some fire songs for the fire to make it more powerful. Our sweatlodge only takes place one time a year and is for vision. The hot stones are laid into the earth like seeds are planted into the earth. For more information:

Pandemia – What does this mean?

It describes a situation, which incorporates the whole globe and is affecting all of us. It is a situation I don’t know anything like this, and I don’t have an answer at first sight. I also have painful emotions to that although I am a spiritual person. Such an unforeseeable situation is also triggering old

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Ab jetzt können Gesichtsmasken für Kinder, Damen und Herren in meinem Etsy-Shop bestellt werden. Kostenloser Versand in Österreich! Kostenlose, kontaktlose Zustellung innerhalb von Wien und Wien-Umgebung innerhalb eines Werktages! http://www.etsy.com/shop/Greifenspiel

The nature of a Shaman – Die Natur des Schamanen

A shaman is a part of nature. A shaman is like a wild creature. He is like the howling wolf or the flying eagle or the strolling tiger. Ein Schamane ist ein Teil der wilden Natur. Ein Schamane ist wie ein wildes Tier. Er ist wie der heulende Wolf oder der fliegende Adler oder der

Absoluteness – Absolutheit

Absoluteness is as sharp as the edge of a sword. It means intransigence in your attitude. Absolutheit ist so scharf wie die Schneide eines Schwertes. Es bedeutet Kompromißlosigkeit in der Haltung. Upcoming Events/Rituals/Workshops…

What is a shaman? – Was ist ein Schamane?

A shaman has the authorization of the spirits and is embedded in a certain myth whereupon myth is a kind of explanation how the world is functioning. That’s the difference to shamanic practitioners. But it also means that the shaman is not bound to a specific form of rituals or shamanic practices. At any time